Now is the time to begin promoting your business. We believe the best way to do this is by combining two core strategies: organic traffic-generation techniques, advertising strategy. We've got your back when it comes to generating highly qualified leads for the pet care industry. However, if you're looking for alternative marketing strategies that don't involve generating leads but do create brand awareness, keep reading!
Here are some ways to get people talking about your grooming business:
Join Organizations, Associations, and Groups as a Groomer
Find a professional organization for dog groomers and join it. You may want to start one in your area—dog parent groups are also good sources of referrals. Introduce yourself to people in your community. Talk to people at the dog park, pet stores, vet offices, and other pet-related venues about what you can offer. You’ll be surprised how many are already looking and just haven’t found the right person or place.
Start a Blog or Website About Your Pet Grooming Business
It can be helpful to write about things like grooming tips, health care issues for dogs, and interesting grooming/pet stories. You can also post photos of your work. We recommend using your blog to share stories about what you do and ways to take care of your pets. Also, post a lot of grooming tips, tricks, and tutorials. We know that works!
Be Active in Social Media
This is a great way to promote yourself. Still, you must be cautious when posting things about your business online—don’t make negative comments about competitors or their customers (businesses can get sued for defamation), and avoid offensive comments. Instead, focus on what makes you unique. Do you focus on a specific type of bread? Are you a competitive groomer? Do you talk in your own funny pup voice when you groom?
Attend Fairs and Shows, Dog Events, and Pet Expos in Your Area
Pop up booths at these places to let people know about your business—you can give away a free grooming pass or even sell t-shirts with your company logo on them. Also, offer coupons for $10 off a groom for each new client who comes in the door with a referral from you.
Join Newsletters, Email Lists, and Other Online Groups Related to Pet Care and Dog Grooming
Let people know that you’re a dog groomer by telling them about your business, and include links to your website or blog (if any). Offer free grooming tips or advice in return for email addresses. Hold a contest, or give away small items such as nail clippers.
Give Back
Volunteer to do free grooming at local shelters and rescues. Donate pet care supplies such as shampoo and brushes, or offer to donate a portion of your sales from one month to an animal charity. If you offer a discount to rescue groups, you may get some free publicity in the animal magazines.
Promote Your Business at Events
Hold an event or party with raffles and contests related to pet care or grooming. For example, give away six free dogs “makeovers” for an evening of fun with friends and family. You will promote your company and have fun doing it!
Closely Monitor All Reviews Online About Your Business
If there are any negative ones, address them promptly—thank the reviewer for their feedback and let them know that you’ve resolved whatever issue they had (if available). A groomer willing to improve based on customer feedback can only gain from this type of review.
Offer Unique Grooming Services
Do you have a special technique or service that no one else in your area offers? Put together a flyer about it, and hand them out to prospective clients when they come for a visit. Many people may be interested but not know exactly what they want to be done. You can explain the benefits of each service (like flea combing vs. bathing). Give a free sample on the spot if time allows!
Ask for Referrals All the Time and Give Away Pet Care Items as Rewards for Good Reviews and/or Referrals
Always ask customers if they know anyone who would like to take advantage of your current promotions—new customers mean more money in your pocket. Also, offer incentives such as a free nail trim or bath for each new customer who refers you to a friend. You may even want to give away dog grooming gift certificates so your customers can buy friends and family something nice, but they have to come in first!
The key is being creative, giving people something useful, it is convenient for them. Creative promotions help you stand out from the competition and get more new clients!